St Peters Orthodox Church

Forgiving Others by the Nature of God



There is not one soul that goes through this life without being damaged or harmed by someone. The humanity of others damages us and wounds us just as our humanity does to others. Forgiveness can be such a challenge and even feel impossible, particularly in very abusive wounds that are done to us. Left to our humanity, we will not be able to release our offenders in forgiveness which means that we will be forever bound in our own chains of unforgiveness. But we are not left to our humanity. We have been joined through Christ to God's Divinity. We are able to participate in the Nature of our God. Today we focus on how to live in fellowship with God in such a way that we are enabled to forgive our greatest offenders; by participating in God's ability to forgive. And, as we do so, we are released from our own chains finally set free.