State Shifters

SSP135 : The Season of Receiving



Embarking on today’s podcast with a personal life update, as I integrate back after spending a few weeks with a couple of my mentors/ leaders/ teachers. First, I spent two transformative weeks with Chris Bale in Colorado, and the gratitude I feel for the enriching experience of being in his presence is tremendous. Chris’s impactful work has left a lasting impression on me that was so nourishing. Following that, I was off to Orlando, Florida for a week-long meditation retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza. I discovered Dr. Joe Dispenza’s teaching five years ago and ever since practicing his meditations and learnings his philosophy, it has expanded my life exponentially. It was truly magical to be in proximity of him alongside 1,500 other like-minded individuals. Join me as I share the lessons and insights I’ve taken from my season of receiving.