Desperate House Witches

Lisa McSherry - Travel Magic



Embark on a transformative journey into the world of travel and magic with Lisa McSherry. In this enchanting guide, you'll discover a treasure trove of practical tips, rituals, spells, and charms to infuse your travels with intention and mysticism. With over 200 pages of insightful content, Travel Magic serves as your trusted companion on the road, empowering you to infuse magic into every aspect of your journey. Pre-order now and join Lisa McSherry on a magical adventure that will transform the way you travel and experience the world. Lisa Mc Sherry I’m an Author, Priestess, and world traveler. In late 2021, after living in the Pacific Northwest for more than 25 years, I retired from the workforce and moved to Portugal along with my husband to create a new life. It was the fulfillment of a dream long held — to travel Europe, experiencing the culture, history, art, and food(!) in a slow, deeper fashion. To be a part of the culture and landscape rather than skimming through. Follow me through https://lisam