Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police Officer Viciously Assaulted, Learned Jiu-Jitsu. Special Episode.



Police Assaulted, Learned Jiu-Jitsu. His story. Special Episode. Explore the Influence of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on Policing through the experiences of Freddy Trillo. In the initial phase of his 30-year tenure as a Miami-Dade Police Officer, Freddy encountered a life-threatening assault that profoundly altered his approach to law enforcement. This brutal incident unfolded during his early days as a rookie, involving an assailant who not only incapacitated Freddy but also stripped him of his radio by flinging it away. This relentless assault highlighted the imperative for comprehensive self-defense training within law enforcement. Contemplating this episode, Freddy recognized the constraints of his training and set out to refine his skills. This pursuit of self-improvement led him to embrace Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (B.J.J.), a martial art renowned for its emphasis on ground fighting and submission holds. Immersing himself in the discipline, Freddy Trillo achieved the esteemed status of a black belt in B.J.J. The expe