Rocky Mountain Christian Church

High Stakes: Dechurching | November 19, 2023 - Matt Cote



Discover the three crucial elements in the sociology of religion—Belief, Behavior, and Belonging—in this thought-provoking YouTube video. Join us as we delve into the challenging reality facing the American Church, exploring "The Great Dechurching" phenomenon highlighted by Michael Graham and Jim Davis. With 40 million individuals abandoning church attendance in the last 30 years, this unprecedented shift raises high-stakes questions about the value of community and the impact of societal changes. Uncover the reasons behind this mass departure, from shifting priorities to societal influences, and understand the potential consequences if the trend persists. Drawing from biblical wisdom, we explore the essence of true belonging, as outlined in Ephesians 4:1-2 and John 13:34-35. Discover the significance of actively participating in a faith community, where "one-anothering" becomes a way of life, fostering mutual care, support, and love. As we address the challenges and call for a renewed com