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Breastfeeding in the 21st Century: How Swehl is Making it Easier for Parents with cofounders Elizabeth Myer and Betsy Riley



Enjoy this video podcast on ⁠Spotify⁠ and ⁠⁠Youtube⁠⁠! The word breastfeeding almost immediately evokes an emotional reaction, especially for breastfeeding parents. Each person's journey with breastfeeding is unique. It isn't often discussed, but despite breastfeeding being considered "as old as time," not much innovation has taken place to assist parents during such a difficult period. Cue Elizabeth Myer and Betsy Riley, cofounders of Swehl, an online platform dedicated to bringing breastfeeding into the 21st century. Following their breastfeeding journeys in the Covid era, Elizabeth and Betsy started Swehl. During this process, they realized that families need more education and support around breastfeeding to be able to make a more informed choice after the birth of their child. With Swehl, you'll find everything you need when it comes to breastfeeding: a 75-part video series on all things breastfeeding, a supportive community led by the Motherboard, and multifunctional, sustainable p