Compliance Perspectives

Jason Meyer on Neurodiversity [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub How do you understand “neurodiversity” or “neurodivergence”? It starts with the recognition that no two human are exactly alike and not two brains function exactly the same way. It then goes on to recognize that for people with ADHD, autisms, dyslexia, sensory integration and executive function issues, those differences can be substantial. Estimates are that about 20% of the workforce has some sort of neurodivergence. In this podcast, Jason Meyer (LinkedIn), President of LeadGood Education, explains that compliance teams need to recognize neurodivergence when communicating with the workforce. This means looking for more structured communications that make it easy for learners to see things step by step. Another technique to pursue is reducing cognitive loads and demands on working memory. A test at the end of a two-hour course may be too much for many people to be able to manage successfully. Some other tips include having visual cues to accompany text and offering an audio option. Tha