Call Cleve Atlanta Radio Show

Investing in Atlanta's Future and Eliminating Market Fears



Welcome to GoGaddis Real Estate Radio, your trusted source for all things real estate. I'm Cleve Gaddis, your personal real estate expert. In today's episode, we delve into two important topics: investing in Atlanta's future and eliminating market fears. Segment Teaser: Get ready for a thought-provoking and informative show: Investing in Atlanta's Homeless: We begin by discussing a significant development in Atlanta. Invest Atlanta has approved $7.5 million for the construction of 500 micro-units designed to provide shelter for the homeless. Discover how this initiative aims to address homelessness in our city and the positive impact it can have. Market Fears and How to Overcome Them: Next, we tackle a common concern among potential homebuyers – market fears. With so much information and often conflicting opinions available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. We share valuable insights and tips on how to overcome these fears and make confident real estate decisions. Listener Engagement: We value your question