Enterprise Java Newscast

Stackd 68: Interview with Jeanne Boyarsky



Guest for today: Jeanne Boyarsky is a Java Champion and has grown from an entry developer to a tech lead. She also volunteers at codranch.com in her free time. Blog: https://www.selikoff.net/ Author of several Java certification books: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8489218.Jeanne_Boyarsky Scott – co-author Server Side Java  - Jakarta EE 11 Release Plan/Timeline https://newsroom.eclipse.org/eclipse-newsletter/2023/august/jakarta-ee-11-next-major-jakarta-ee-update-shaping Tools  - NetBeans 20 RC: (https://github.com/apache/netbeans/releases/tag/20-rc1)  - Oracle VS Code Extension (https://github.com/oracle/javavscode)  - Writerside - a new technical writing environment from JetBrains. (https://www.jetbrains.com/writerside/)  - PMD (https://pmd.github.io/)  - Sonar (https://docs.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/9.9/analyzing-source-code/languages/java/) AI/ML  - Oracle Guardian AI Open Source Project (https://github.com/oracle/guardian-ai)  - GPTZero (https://gptzero.me/) Java Platform  - JDK 21 LTS is out! (ht