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11/17 ~ C View 2023 Messages From Metatron: The Anarchists of Light -Devi Nina



Prepare for a transformative journey on Devi Nina's next podcast episode, "The Anarchists of Light." In this illuminating discussion, we explore profound insights and timeless wisdom that beckon you to become a change agent in the world. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect: Embrace Your Role as a Change Agent; Nourish Your Soul; Love and Unity; The Winds of Change; The Second Renaissance; The Path to Enlightenment; Light vs. Darkness; The Imperfection of Perfection; Hope in Lightworkers; The Reward of Change; Celebrating Diversity; The Evolution of Unity; Waves of Change; Embracing the Unknown. Join us on Nov 17 at 12pm ET for a captivating conversation that promises to inspire, enlighten, and empower. Get ready to explore these profound insights with Devi Nina Bingham and uncover your role as an Anarchist of Light. Stay tuned for this extraordinary episode and prepare to be part of a movement towards a more enlightened world. Your presence and engagement will be the catalyst for change!