The Competitive Edge

Startup millionaire to Monastic Living to Rancher - The Leo Widrich (Mo Wildman) Story



  One of those people early on in my startup journey was Leo Widrich, one of the founders of the social media company Buffer. At one point, Buffer was a darling in startup land with their great product, prolific blog and a culture of transparency that gained them lots of notoriety. I remember reading about their co-founder split and kind of never heard much about Leo again. I’m not exactly sure how, but somehow I found myself on his website 6 months ago and learned that he’s been on a similar journey of inner discovery. After “making it in startup world” Leo went to live in a Buddhist monastery for a few years. In this conversation, we talk about his experience going from the frenetic world of startups to living a monastic lifestyle. He shares a lot about the experience of facing his unconscious inner material which I related to immensely. Post monastery life, he found himself coaching startup founders who were experiencing similar challenges and dissonance that he had gone through. This article on less