Christina & Sally Talk Astrology

7: Your Month Ahead: August 23 to September 22 2018



Christina & I, Sally, met at the sublime Watts Chapel in Compton, Surrey to record the latest podcast. The chapel is an arts & crafts masterpiece, an ideal setting to talk about the perfectionist, attention-to-detail star sign, Virgo.There was a lot to reflect back on – discussing Mercury retrograde, the eclipse season and Mars returning to earth sign Capricorn.We both agreed that it's an exciting month coming up and one we're more than ready for. With a strong emphasis on earth signs, an ideal time to get productive, be creative and secure strong foundations.Mars-ruled signs, Aries & Scorpio, also get their power back once Mars turns direct at the end of August. All star signs can finally take their foot off the brake.[n.b. What we hadn't taken into account was the fact that we were recording while Mercury was still retrograde. Thus, we ended up with three separate sections of recording which Christina spliced together beautifully. In the last seven minutes or so of the recording,