Teaching With Inquiry

EP260 - Transform Your Literacy Program with Effective Assessment Strategies



What if you had the toolkit to boost your students' literacy levels? What if you could tailor your teaching styles to meet the individual needs of your learners? Welcome to a powerful episode that unravels the intricacies of incorporating assessments into your literacy program. We strip down the importance of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments, helping you understand your students' starting point, observe their progress, and gain a comprehensive view of their proficiency levels. You'll discover how tools like Exocard's, guided reading, and spelling assessments can help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your students' learning process. We go further to discuss the value of literacy trackers and formative assessments, and how informal writing assessments can offer valuable insights into your students' writing skills. Discover how summative assessments can showcase overall proficiency and growth, and how encouraging students to select their work for assessment c