Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 291: Performance Base Layer Series - Part 1: Pillars of Performance Applied (Endurance)



This week on the Purple Patch Podcast, we kick off our new 5-part Performance Base Layer Series. The purpose of this series is to emphasize the significance and value of establishing a solid physical ready state as the foundation for delivering consistent and predictable high performance in any field. Over the next few weeks, we will be showcasing important episodes, each focusing on one key element of the Performance Base Layer. It is crucial to comprehend and incorporate each of these elements to improve performance and excel in any arena. In the first episode of the series, Ironman Master Coach Matt Dixon provides a comprehensive overview of the PurplePatch Pillars of Performance. He starts with Endurance, or Movement for those not necessarily pursuing podiums. In coming episodes, we will delve into the other three Performance Pillars, which include Strength, Nutrition, and Recovery. Lastly, we will examine the optimizer that ties all of these pillars together and establishes the traits and practices that