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969. Buying Back Your Time And Growing Your Business With Referral Marketing



In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, Kelly discusses how to transition referral marketing from being sporadic and unpredictable to becoming a consistent and significant income stream. She emphasizes the importance of consistency and frequency in referral marketing and highlights the power of customer results in driving referrals.  Kelly also emphasizes the need for someone to own the referral marketing program and outlines the steps to set up a successful referral marketing system. She stresses the importance of nurturing and tracking referrals, as well as reintroducing the program regularly to keep it at the forefront of customers' minds. Also in this episode: Consistency and frequency are crucial in referral marketing to create a consistent and significant income stream. Obsessing over customer results is key to generating referrals and creating an exceptional customer experience. Assigning ownership of the referral marketing program and setting deliverables is essential for its success. Impleme