Stupid Wise Girl

Episode 105: Channeling Insights from the Spirit Realm With Riz Mirza



Join us as renowned spirit medium, Riz Mirza, takes you on a captivating journey through the realms of the unseen. Riz channels messages from the spirit world, offering profound insights, comforting validations, and a glimpse into the mysteries that lie beyond our perception.From a young age,  he sensed a connection to energies beyond the tangible. Raised in an environment that encouraged spiritual exploration, his unique upbringing shaped his ability to channel the other side.Riz has been featured in Gaia. The Gaia network, also known as Gaia TV, is an online streaming service that specializes in content related to spirituality, metaphysics, and alternative perspectives. It offers a diverse range of documentaries, interviews, and original series that explore topics such as consciousness, ancient civilizations, holistic health, yoga, and paranormal phenomena.As the veil between dimensions thins, prepare to be moved by the heartfelt narratives, and spiritual wisdom.Follow Riz on InstagramLearn More about Riz M