Religion Today

New Archaeological Discoveries



In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes amazing archaeological discoveries relating to the Bible and Book of Mormon, including:  (1) Mid-fourth century AD Nag Hammadi texts with authentic saying of Jesus, many of which are not found in the Bible; (2) the Tel Dan "David" stela, dating to the ninth century BCE, referring to the "House of David" and to the "King of Israel" which is the earliest reference to both; (3) A Jewish inscription dating to circa 870 BCE referring to "Jehovah" his "wife Asherah" and the "Holy of Holies"; (4) The first century home of the Apostle Peter in Capernaum; (5) The siloam Pool where Jesus cured the blind man, as described in John 9:1-11; (5) The remains of King David's palace; (6) The siege tower of Babylon against Jerusalem, constructed by Nebuchadnezzar, in 597 BCE, right after Lehi, Nephi, Ishmael and their families, left Jerusalem as described in the Book of Mormon.