Leaving Laodicea

572 - The Sixth Step – Surrendering to the Holy Spirit



God is Three and Three in OneWhen we decide to fully yield our lives to the Lord, one essential step is surrendering control of everything to the Holy Spirit, who is probably the most overlooked member of the Trinity. And this is because the doctrine of the Trinity, or trying to explain the triune nature of God, is one of the most confusing teachings in Scripture. After all, we are finite beings who think in finite, logical, cause-and-effect, terms. Yet God is infinite, off the scales, and His nature is beyond what we can explain or logically process in our finite minds.But let’s try. The doctrine of the Trinity is defined as God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God.¹Or, to make it easier to digest:1. God is three persons (Father, Son, and Spirit).2. Each person is fully God.3. There is one God.But, even though they are all equally God, they have different and unique functions, especially regardin