Leaving Laodicea

574 - Turning Church from an Institution into a Family



Fellowship is More Than a Pot-Luck DinnerIf you look at the book of Acts, you’ll find the amazing story of how the church was born and grew to 3,000 people after one 297-word sermon preached by an impetuous, former fisherman named Peter. It’s one of the most transforming passages in all the New Testament. But what we fail to look at is the fact that now the church had a serious logistic issue. Like, “What are we going to do with all these people? How are we going to feed them? Many of them don’t even speak the same language we speak. We don’t have training materials, a church structure, or places for them to sleep. And we don’t even know if we like them? All we know is they have now received the same Spirit we received, and they consider us family, and we should start acting like family.”This was a difficult problem for the infant church, which was only hours old. I can imagine Peter and the rest of the disciples fretting over the fact this problem was way above th