Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Stillbirth: A Father's Story, with Nyck Jeanes



In this interview, Oni speaks with local father Nyck Jeanes. Nyck is also a musician, producer, independent journalist, and as one close friend describes him; a social engineer; he’s out to help change the way we relate to one another, understand the world around us and live our lives.This interview was recorded nearly two years ago and with floods, and other events, it is only now we are airing it.PBB met Nyck in his former role as the president of BayFM, our local community radio station; the very place that Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond started so many years ago. Nyck has always been a truth seeker who comes from a place of an eternal wonder like an inquisitive child but with wise and sharp intellect to investigate and articulate the wonder. He is a friend of many and has been a backbone for so many in the community.Nyck has a big heart, and enthusiasm to tell the story. In this interview, his story is a rich and deep story that includes a pivotal moment in his life; the birth and death of his first child.