Apostle Sydney Quaye

Creative Prophecy



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Prophecy is the speakings of God, which is a movement of either the word of God or the Spirit of God. Using Numbers 11:25, Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17-18 Apostle Sydney Quaye teaches that God desires that all men prophesy. Therefore, in these last days, he has given us the ability to prophesy through His Holy Spirit. The gift of prophecy is a vocal gift that empowers a man to take hold of the future. God has enabled every child of God to prophesy. Indeed, you are a prophet over your own life. Using the power of creative prophecy, you can change anything in your life. Thereby, creating things using your mouth. It is worth noting, as taught by Apostle, that there are a lot of things in time including the devil. Creation goes with time. It can cause the unseen to manifest.