Critical Faith

To Be Faithful to the Truth: A Conversation with Jeffrey Dudiak



Back in the spring, we talked with Dr. Jeffrey Dudiak, ICS alum and Professor of Philosophy at The King's University in Edmonton, while he was enjoying a sabbatical. We walked, chapter by chapter, through some of the guiding questions of his short book Post-Truth? Facts and Faithfulness (Currents in Reformational Thought Series, Wipf and Stock, 2022) and got a bit of a glimpse into his forthcoming sabbatical project: an interactive forum on wisdom and polarization called Of Serpents and Doves: Explorations in Christian Wisdom. In this episode, Jeff explores a more enriched understanding of truth, compares worldviews vs. ideologies, considers the role of relevance in one's approach to teaching, and exhorts us to learn how to “do wisdom Christianly.” Have a listen! *** Critical Faith is sponsored by the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics (CPRSE) at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. For more, visit Music by Matt Bernico.