Victory Health Radio

#222 - Healthy Cultures



Dr. Jake has a calling to help people with sickness and disease, and see them reverse their problems. Did you know your immune system works better when getting adjustments? Chiropractic care doesn't heal the cold or flu, but it will improve the bodies ability to heal itself. Natural resistance is the only reason your cold goes away rather than lasting weeks, months, or your lifetime. God has provided us with all that we need. What specific ways can you seek God's power to help you make the right choices for your body that God made? Changing the Way Healthcare is Viewed and Managed This popular health radio show has invigorated a community and started a natural healthcare revolution. From the latest trends in holistic living and a view based on what you need to do, not want to do, Dr. Jake brings you crucial information that you have to know. Recent topics have been: Fat doesn't make you fat, the advanced nutrition plan, and intermittent fasting. CONTACT US Learn more about how to get healthy and stay healthy