Victory Health Radio

#223 Dr. Frank 1



Today's episode is unique. Dr. Jake is introducing you to Dr. Frank, our lead adjusting chiropractor. Dr. Frank is asked what the difference is between chiropractors and medical doctors. Chiropractors diagnose based on their findings in the patients spine, and medical doctors base their diagnosis on symptoms. There is a time and place for our medical system, it's really good for emergency cases, but this system is not good for preventative measures. Advil and Tylenol have never healed; they only relieve pain associated with the symptom. Dr. Frank wanted to become a Doctor of Chiropractic because he saw the results, heard patients' stories, and he did data analysis on health care. Dr. Jake then asks for 3-4 changes someone can make to improve their life and the importance of children coming in for chiropractic care. Our Vision: Changing the Way Healthcare is Viewed and Managed This popular health radio show has invigorated a community and started a natural healthcare revolution. From the latest trends in holis