Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 290: Lessons of Off-Season Training So Far



A few weeks ago, we aired a series of shows discussing the significance of the off-season period for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. We shared our innovative approach to off-season training and education, which is aimed at creating a strong foundation for future success. Now, three weeks into our program, after completing one training cycle, we reflect on the progress we've made and the lessons we’ve learned along the way. In this week's episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, we evaluate the areas that have shown positive growth and present opportunities for learning and improvement. We also examine areas that require further attention or potentially need adjustment. We draw on valuable insights from athletes currently participating in our off-season program, who share their feedback on the experience so far. Our aim is to emphasize the importance and value of this block of work in building a solid foundation for a breakthrough year in the future, rather than a pursuit of immediate results. We hope that this