Iron Culture

Ep. 246 - Why BULKING is NOT the Answer



“Gotta eat big to get big brother!” “It’s the off-season man, I’m on that SEE-food diet, heheh ya feel me?!!” It’s been like this for decades in the muscle building world, and there’s a ton of anecdotes that you gotta eat enough to grow. Certainly, we can’t build muscle out of thin air. But given the modern understanding that body recomposition - at least in novice and early stage intermediate lifters who aren’t too lean - is actually quite normal, how much do you really have to eat? In this episode Omar interviews Eric Helms who just published a study on this very topic with surprising results. Is it really true that eating at maintenance is just as good as a small and large surplus for strength and muscle gain? Tune in to find out. 00:00 …It happened (intro to a power episode) The Truth About Getting Lean: It's Not JUST About Calories (ft. Eric Helms) 8:38 The weight gain study: breaking down the methods Effect of Small and Large Energy