Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

The Allure of Approval: Why We Seek Universal Likability [Ep.765]



As children, we all wanted to be the popular kid. We wanted everyone to like us. We wanted to be the kid chosen first for the team. However, no matter what we may have done there was always one or two kids who did not like us. What happens when we are adults and this desire to be liked by everyone continues in our lives? What about us causes us to want to be liked by everyone? On today's show, I am going to be talking about why we want to be liked so badly. I am going to examine the roots of our desire for popularity and how it shapes us as adults. Are you a people-pleaser, or can you be authentically yourself without needing outside validation? It is important to understand the difference between people-pleasing and being an authentic person. We need to take a deeper look into if our childhood is triggering us. Understanding why we do things, why we make certain choices, and why some things really impact us is key to our seeing who we are. We need to uncover the reasons why being liked by everyone still impa