Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 164: Don’t Factor God Out Part 1 - MIRACLES - God Doesn’t Usually Answer How You Expect Him To.



Can you relate? You have a problem, a financial problem, and you know a solution that would work. So you pray, “Lord, if you would just provide a raise, or if you would give me a promotion or a new job, then the problem will be solved. Can you give me one of those things, God?” You ask God to follow those instructions, but God is not the kind of miracle worker to work within your limits or expectations. That defeats the purpose of a miracle that can’t be explained. When Jesus and the disciples found that they had a problem, that thousands of people who listened to Jesus speak were hungry, the disciples came up with a solution and told Jesus to send them away. Do you know what Jesus did? He did not tell them, “Great idea, guys, I will send them away.” He said, “Give me what you have.” And He did the miraculous, something unexplainable by anybody. How can we expect miracles if we set an expectation on how God is going to answer?   Monologue: Autumn shares about her son, Jude, getting his learner’s permit and Au