Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#154 - Save Your Womb



In this week's podcast I want to address a pressing issue. I recently spoke to a woman who was told by her gynaecologist that she needed a complete hysterectomy, a procedure involving the removal of her uterus and potentially ovaries. What deeply troubles me is the misinformation women receive about hysterectomies. My own mother had a hysterectomy, and she was devastated by the outcome. She was led to believe it would be a cure-all, but it wasn't. She faced complications and even developed more endometriosis symptoms after the procedure. Many women reach out to us, seeking information, after they are often given frightening and misleading advice from others. Your uterus and ovaries are crucial organs throughout your life, beyond just reproduction. They play a major role in hormone production and preventing conditions like osteoporosis. Yet, some doctors rush to recommend their removal without considering the long-term consequences or other natural options. Some women are told they can keep their o