Damaris Norge - Kobler Kristen Tro Og Populærkultur

Alister McGrath: Science, God and the Quest for Meaning – Exploring Our Deepest Questions



In this engaging guest lecture at University of Agder, Kristiansand (Norway), world-famous evangelical theologian and writer Alister McGrath explores the concept of meaning in view of science and the Christian worldview. He focuses on meaning in life as understanding, purpose, and significance – why are we here and why does it matter? Alister McGrath is Emeritus Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University. He was the keynote speaker at the Veritas Conference 2023. This guest lecture was held on Thursday 19th October 2023. The video recording of this guest lecture is published at the Damaris Norway YouTube channel. - https://youtu.be/SFHvcPUZeLQ