Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Killers And Murderers, News Media Call Them What They Are.



Killers And Murderers, News Media Call Them What They Are. They are Killers. News Media and Politicians Stop calling them by distracting terms like "Emotionally Disturbed Person." Killers and Murderers: Unmasking the Role of News Media. It's time to call them what they truly are - Killers and Murderers. The news media and politicians must stop using vague and politically correct terms like "Emotionally Disturbed Person." These individuals have committed heinous crimes, and it's time to stop softening the language. We've all experienced moments of emotional disturbance during our lives, but these individuals are not simply emotionally disturbed; they are killers and murderers. What's even more concerning is that some of them seek fame through their horrific acts. The news media often plays a role in making these killers household names, contributing to their notoriety. Join me in this special short episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast as I address this issue head-on. It's time to call a s