Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police vs The Mob, Deep Undercover Truths



Police vs The Mob, Deep Undercover Truths. Special Digitally Remastered Episode. Disregard any ideas you may have about the realities of undercover police work, especially those shaped by Hollywood's depictions. Meet Lieutenant Ray Hassett, a retired police officer with 25 years of experience. His journey traversed the ranks from patrol officer to detective, sergeant, lieutenant, and even district commander in one of Connecticut's busiest police districts. Ray's experience goes far beyond the silver screen. He delves into the gritty world of deep undercover operations, facing the unvarnished truths of combating violent organized crime. During a three-year covert assignment, he infiltrated and dismantled a menacing organized crime syndicate. This wasn't just about going undercover; it entailed assuming a new identity, severing all ties with the police department, and confronting the very real skills, threats, and dangers lurking in the criminal underworld. Hassett's expertise extends to hostage negotiation, ha