Prepping Academy

Selco Begovic - Survivor of the Balkan War - SHTF Expert!



Selco Begovic is a survivor of the Balkan war during the tumultuous 1990s, enduring the harrowing experience of living in a besieged city without access to electricity, running water, or food distribution. Today, he offers physical courses for those seeking to learn from his real-life experiences.Through his online writings, Selco provides an unfiltered glimpse into the harsh realities of survival in the most challenging conditions. He candidly assesses what strategies work, what doesn't, and imparts the invaluable lessons he learned during his trials. He also shares his contemporary preparations for uncertain times.Since the war, Selco has never ceased his quest for knowledge in the realm of survival and preparedness. While you may never encounter extreme situations like Selco did, you have a unique opportunity to draw from his firsthand experiences and learn how he faced death for months on end.Explore more of Selco's articles, purchase his PDF books, including the #1 New Release "The Dark Se