Dreamers & Doers

Q&A with Brandon Ellis - Atlantis, ETs, the New Earth & near-death experience teachings



My friend Brandon is a sci-fi author and put in his books downloads from people who returned from near-death experiences. We talk about Atlantis, Lemuria, ETs, the New Earth Ascension, keeping our temples clean and much more. The Lightleaders Podcast has a membership group. We have weekly calls with a special guest and ask them our questions, as well as our own Telegram group. Wanna join us? Details here: https://alexlamber.notion.site/Lightleaders-Membership-af3a1b4935154beea959d2581e11fad0?pvs=4 LINKS: THE LIGHTLEADERS PODCAST: Free Telegram community group: https://t.me/thelightleader Alex's Telegram channel: https://t.me/newearth Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelightleaders All platforms, including audio podcasts: https://thelightleaders.org BRANDON ELLIS: His books: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Atlantis-Books-Technothriller-Ascendant-ebook/dp/B0994X1NGL/ref=sr_1_1 His Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blinkshortstory1/atlantis-the-omnibus-deluxe-edition