Leaving Laodicea

570 - The Fourth Step – Presenting Yourself as a Sacrifice



First Step Three, Then Step FourOf the seven steps to living a fully surrendered life to God, perhaps none is more vital than the fourth— offering ourselves, specifically our bodies, as a living sacrifice to Him. But this can only be accomplished after we have done the hard work of denying ourselves and dying to self, which was the point of the third step (Matt. 16:24). Death and denial must take place before we present our bodies (flesh) to Him as an act of worship and sacrifice. You will ultimately fail, horrendously, if you try to reverse the order. We must have died to ourselves first in order to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice. Otherwise, we’re dealing with a two-headed monster. And it ain’t pretty. Presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice means taking our body, our flesh, with all its desires and ambitions, and laying it down before God as an act of worship and submission to His Lordship. And this, as they say, is where the men are separated from