Pregnancy, Birth And Beyond

Parenting As Social Activism with Robin Grille



Robin Grille Is a psychotherapist, psychologist, author, mentor, speaker, and educator. His work seeks to restore relationships to their natural flow and balance: include family relationships, partnerships, workplace relationships, and relationship to self. His work enlivens relationship to vocation, to community, and to the natural world that surrounds and nourishes us. Robin speaks at international conferences, on a range of themes presented in his books. He conducts international trainings for psychotherapists, and for parents and offers private psychotherapy/counselling/coaching sessions.Robin was born in Uruguay to migrant parents. Spanish was his first language, French his second and Romanian his third language before coming to Australia when he was 10 years old. So far he has written and published; 'Heart to Heart Parenting', 'Parenting for a Peaceful World', and a chapter in a book called 'Social Ecology, Applying Ecological Understanding to our Lives and our Planet'. We hope you enjoy this conversat