Audio Stories With J. B. Simien

Two Paranormal Mysteries



Two True Paranormal Mysteries In this episode, I present two true paranormal mysteries that I found in old New Papers. The Pittsburgh Press Aug 22, 1905 “Haunted Tunnel” Where Trainmen Hear Agonized Groans and Strange Noises. The people living along the rail line of the Clinch Valley Extension of the Norfolk and Western Railway in Southwest Virginia are upset over the manifestations in the Big Bull Tunnel. About two weeks ago a train crew made a careful investigation of the tunnel. The Quebec Saturday Budget Dec 18, 1886 “A Haunted Ship” Strange Sounds and Alleged sights in a Murdered First Mate’s Cabin.Stories persist to this day that the Squando has been seen emerging from the fog, as a phantom ship, in the San Francisco Bay. If you all have a comment on any of the experiences shared or you want to share a paranormal experience, please email me at