
Darrin Christenberry & Nathan Brooks - Elite Archery



Aron is back!  Finally after month in the wilderness, he sits down with a couple of the heavy hitters of Elite Archery, Darrin Christenberry and Nathan Brooks.  Aron had been testing the new 2024 bow on several of his hunts this year, and may or may not have "leaked" a photo of the new bow before the release date in one of his photos!  With the pixel peepers of the internet, it didn't take long for them to to disect and decipher what Aron had been using and word spread.  But there is no such thing as bad publicity!  Aron and the guys chat about the new lineup and the exciting new offering from Elite! Hope everyone is having a safe and successful season thus far!     Be sure to tag Kifaru and KifaruCast on Instagram using your Kifaru products!  Be sure to #RHINOTOUGH and #GEARFORLIFE so we can share in your adventures.  Make sure to head over to our YouTube channel as well and check out some of our latest videos!  Click the subscribe button to stay up to date on the latest tech tips, gear reviews, and new pr