Ask Noah Show

Ask Noah Show 360 | Net Neutrality with Senator Kevin Cramer



This week Senator Kevin Cramer joins The Ask Noah Show and we discuss net neutrality! It's a more complicated and nuanced issue than most people give it credit for. Our access to the internet these days is like running water. -- During The Show -- 01:50 Senator Kevin Cramer Interview Common Carrier - treat all traffic equally Net Neutrality - ISPs must treat all traffic equally History 1934 Title 2 1980 Computer 2 Policy 2002 Cable Broadband gets an exemption 2005 All ISPs ARE NOT common carrier 2015 ISPs ARE Common Carrier (Gov Take Over) 2017 Ajit Pai repeals net neutrality If the infrastructure has been subsidized by tax dollars, should that infrastructure be common carrier? Would it make more sense for this to be under the FTC rather than the FCC? What would you say to people who only have one good choice for internet? Ma Bell Sweet Heart deal Chevron doctrine Openness principles throttling blocking price discrimination Blocking World of War Craft ISP deals with apartment complexes to block other provider