Dan Dan The Art Man

Short Stories of DanDanTheArtMan 09 - Bullets and Tears



I had a short story published by an online eZine publisher who runs a short story contest called Fiction Tuesday! It's about soldiers sent to rescue children who have been made soldiers themselves. You can read it on their website or listen to my recording of it with sound effects. I had a blast writing it and putting the recording together, and I think you'll have a blast reading it or listening to it. Below is the link to my story, and please enjoy listening to it here after some chatter and updates. Flying Island Press - Pirates Cove http://flyingislandpress.com/cove/fiction-tuesday/writing-contest-fiction-tuesday/ Promo at the end of the Podcast was for John Mierau at: http://servingworlds.com/ My Info: Blog: http://writingsofdan.blogspot.com/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanDanTheArtMan Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!