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Ekee Pah Unda | Magical Warrior Peace Code Israel



Thousands of years ago, humans wandered the earth in small tribes speaking different languages and often killing each other in war. In addition to weapons, warriors carried some sort of musical instrument for a very special reason: it could save their life. Because back then humans created a very important phrase: EKEE PAH UNDA Roughly translated, this means: "Let's don't kill each other today, rather, lets make music together and see if we can get a groove on." If the other side agreed, they would reply: EKEE PAH DOE This ingenious phrase allowed any two tribes to choose killing or music. Even though they spoke different languages, they all could sing this phrase, play their drums, flutes, and strings. If they got a groove going, you could feel the magic in the air! The ELECTRICITY as their hearts transformed from hate to love, from violence to joy. You can hear this transformation in this song. It is a great example of a successful code phrase exchange and offer/acceptance of peace. Even though some w