Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

A new speaker of the House, finally



After a three-week vacancy, House Republicans elected Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana speaker. We’ll give you the rundown on who Johnson is and what his far-right associations could mean for the challenging weeks ahead in Congress. And, on the other side of the Capitol rotunda, senators are working on new ways to end Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s military promotion blockade. Plus, a 14-year-old scientist’s cancer-fighting bar of soap. Here’s everything we talked about: “5 things to know about Speaker Mike Johnson” from The Hill “McCarthy’s fundraising guru will back newly anointed Speaker Mike Johnson” from Politico “Mike Johnson is the least experienced House speaker in 140 years” from Axios “Virginia teen named top young scientist for cancer-fighting soap” from The Washington Post “Senators prep proposal to go around Tuberville’s holds” from Politico Got a question for the hosts?