Wild City

Wild City #221: Curtain Blue



With selections from James Blake, Jamie xx, Four Tet, Thom Yorke, some lesser-known cuts by the likes of Loma and sir Was, and his original works, Curtain Blue leverages how his Wild City mix will likely be enjoyed. The mix weaves its journey around emotions instead of energy for a narrative seeped in sombreness and sensuality.  A particular defining moment comes with New Delhi producer's own track 'Sunkissed' leading one into the introspection of 'Her Revolution' by Burial, Four Tet and Thom Yorke echoing distantly alongside sitar loops before the follow-up jolts you awake. Sandwiching between such famously effective numbers, Curtain Blue aka Abhishek Bhatia places his own work like the collaborative track 'Birds and Bees' with Komorebi, which recently received an extended music video in collaboration with Indian fashion powerhouse Satya Paul, and also of his contemporaries like Frame/Frame to pivot towards a triumphant uptempo finish.  For more information and tracklisting: https://www.thewildcity.com/mix