Dental A Team W/ Kiera Dent And Dr Mark Costes

#751: To Set up a 401(k) or Not for Your Business



Ryan Isaac of The Dentist Money Show (and common guest on the DAT process) joins Kiera to dive very deeply into 401(k) plans for your business. Ryan simplifies a lot of the intimidating information, including what the heck 401(k) even means, the logistics of setting up a plan, how to know what type of plan to choose for your company, and more. Episode resources: Tune in to The Dentist Money Show Listen to episode 746, A Consultant, Financial Advisor + Dentist Perspective On Life Listen to episode 590, Unfiltered Advice on Choosing a Financial Advisor Reach out to Kiera Subscribe to The Dental A-Team podcast Become Dental A-Team Platinum! Review the podcast