Marketing From The Roosevelt Room

EP4: Life Hacks for Increased Productivity from a Nobel Prize Winner



“It’s easy to get so caught up in the big audacious goals of life that we neglect the important things right in front of us.” - Kyle Willis (3:30-3:38) Kyle WillisMarketing from the Roosevelt Room     Theodore Roosevelt knew how to manage his time and activities to accomplish greatness. When you look closely at his life, you discover gold nuggets of wisdom that can help you perform better in your business and personal relationships.   Roosevelt said, “We cannot do great deeds unless we’re willing to do the small things that make up the sum of greatness.” This core belief made him productive in all areas of life. For entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get lost in the big picture view of what we want to accomplish with our work. But in the process, we overlook the more important things that need our attention each day.   “If you have so many unplanned things happening in your day that you can’t structure your time, then you have other issues to worry about.” - Kyle Willis (8:50-8:58)   Anyone running a business know