Public Speaking With David Murray

Public speaking and presenting habits to avoid – Reading from your presentation slides – 122



I’m sure you’ll agree there’s many reasons why people want to develop their public speaking and presenting skills. What’s yours? If you’re a regular listener to my show, you will have heard lots of different techniques to help you to become a more confident and compelling speaker. I really hope you’ve tried them out and found them useful. Today I thought I would change focus and ask YOU a question... When you're watching other public speakers, is there anything they do which comes across to you as a little distracting? What you about you, have you done any of those things yourself, when you're public speaking and presenting? In this episode I explore public speaking and presenting habits which I feel are guaranteed to make your audience switch off. And sharing useful tips and advice on how to avoid doing them, so that your talks and presentations are more compelling and engaging. In today’s episode I explore public speaking and presenting habits to avoid - Reading from your presentation slides. The 5 St