Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Alcohol and Police Trauma Took Him To The Edge.



Alcohol and Police Trauma Took Him To The Edge. The combination of experiencing trauma as a police officer combined with alcohol abuse led him to a suicide attempt. Shortly after his law enforcement career ended and his overall mental health was in shambles. He tells his story of loss and overcoming to help others.  Richard Odom is our guest, he is a retired law enforcement officer with 17 years of service. He talks about the challenges and rewards that he experienced as a Cop. Throughout his career, he witnessed and experienced trauma that effected him deeply. This led to alcohol abuse and the combination of the two led to a suicide attempt. He co-authored the book "Living Inside the Thin Blue Line: The Oath Breaker" and also has a website and service to assist Officers called Thin Blue Connect. Be sure to check out our website. If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend or two, or three about it. If you are able to leave an honest rating and, or, review it would be appreciated. Interested in being a guest,