Conrad Rocks

Thomas Dabney Tannehill - Testimony for Jesus



Thomas Dabney Tannehill shares his powerful testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ. He talks about his occult experiences, drug use, and demonic encounters before having a life-changing salvation experience. Thomas describes how his life was radically transformed after surrendering to Christ.Interesting upbringing: church, occult, poltergeist;Ran away at 13; parents divorced;Confirmed in church at 12-13; still "heathen";Started using psychedelic drugs; played in rock band;Sensed evil spirits and demons on drugs;Bad trip: saw convulsing body, demons; cried to God;Selling drugs; old friend Mickey witnessed to him;Tried to be Christian; surrendered and repented;Mickey mentored him; lived in house with believers;Bible came alive with Holy Spirit revelation;Life radically changed after salvation; freed from sin;Reconnected with Mickey before he passed;Christians need fellowship and to reach out;Righteous stumble but get back up in Christ;Salvation is a journey; takes time;Prays for clinging to Jesus and shin