Leaving Laodicea

567 - The First Step in Surrendering Your Life to Him



Surrender is a Lifestyle, Not a One-Time EventWhen you surrender your life to the Lord, you will notice it is not a one-time event. You don’t just say a prayer or make a vow and it’s done. It is a process, usually full of ups and downs, that may take some time to master. But even as a process, it must have a starting point. And that point recognizes who God is and your responsibility to yield to His lordship. Everything follows this first step.The seven steps of surrender are as follows (in Cliff Notes form):1.  Recognize and embrace a truth greater than yourself (which is God and His lordship)2.  Confess and repent of any known sin in your life3.  Learn to die to yourself daily (or more often)4.  Present yourself daily as a sacrifice to God5.  Trust completely in God’s sovereignty6.  Rely on the Holy Spirit for daily guidance7.  Keep your eyes fixed on JesusToday, we will look at the first step— the step where every springs from. And we will co