Straight A Nursing

#182: Making a Good Impression in Nursing School



If you’re like most nursing students, you’re a high-achieving individual with big goals and a dedication to doing your absolute best. Chances are, you were a star student in your prereqs, but in nursing school, you’re surrounded by other star students who are just as dedicated and driven as you are. Add to that the fact that many of your classes may be fully or partially online. How in the world do you stand out and make a good impression in this environment? Well, the good news is, it’s entirely possible. Just follow the tips in this episode to shine like the bright star that you are! Start nursing school prepared and ready to conquer! Check out my nursing school prep course, Crucial Concepts Bootcamp. Bootcamp student Megan says, “Hey all, my name is Megan! I’ve completed CCB, and am halfway through my ADN program! I just love Nurse Mo and ALL of her products! I only wish that I had found her before I started my program; now, I praise her to anyone who will listen! She makes concepts easy to understand an